Ethically Sourced. Intentionally Chosen.

Crystals are meant to amplify your own magic. An assortment of different crystals with unique properties are available. Your crystals will choose YOU. Are you ready to receive?


Your Future Kind Crystals

Opalite Tumbles
  • Self-Empowerment

    Crystals are meant to enhance your own MAGIC. They are beautiful tools to use when you need those reminders that YOU GOT THIS! Their metaphysical properties can aide in this way.

  • Healing

    No matter the healing process that you are going through, crystals can be a tool and gentle guidance through your process. They often amplify your intuition and trust with yourself and the Universe.

  • Aesthetic

    Who doesn't like good vibes? At the very least, crystals can bring a positive energy to a space and add to your aesthetic!